Great US Visa Options Australians Should Take Advantage Of!!

 In E-3 Visas, Investors (E Visas), Options for Australians

Australians are in the great position to have access to all the normal visas available to the worldwide community plus the E-3.  However, they are also a treaty country and qualify for both the E-1 and E-2 visas.  Therefore, the E visas are a great starting place for Australians looking to find the best, fastest, most cost-efficient way to come to the United States.

E-3 – Professional Visa for Australians

An Australian professional who has either a university degree, or its equivalent in years of experience, can apply for this visa so long as they have been offered a professional position that corresponds to their course of study.  For example, someone who has a chemistry degree cannot take a job as a marketing manager.  The requirements for the E-3 are as follows:

  1. Be a national of Australia
  2. Have a legitimate offer of employment in the United States
  3. Possess the necessary academic or other qualifying credentials
  4. The position offered is a job that requires a university degree.

The E-3 can be applied directly at the consulate, avoiding USCIS all together, saving you money, time and unnecessary stress.  It can also be applied for in the United States, but this is highly discouraged.  It is important to prepare for the interview properly and have all required documents with you completed correctly and thoroughly.

E-1 and E-2 – Treaty Investor or Trader Visa

An investor, executive and/or the essential employee will benefit tremendously from this amazing visa.  The E Visa is a non-immigrant visa that is used by businesses or individuals coming into the United States to start a new business, purchase a business, or open a US subsidiary of their foreign business.   In order to qualify for an E Visa, you only need to invest an amount of capital that is customary for the type of business you are investing in.  There are ABSOLUTELY NO minimum investment requirements.  However, your investment needs to make sense relative to the business you are proposing to open in the United States.  Some of the other requirements that you must meet in order to obtain an E Visa are:

  1. The business must be “active”, not passive;
  2. It must be a business that will generate enough income for not only you (the investor) and your family, but for other employees and their families;
  3. The business must grow over time;
  4. The investment in the E Visa enterprise cannot consist of your whole life savings with nothing left to spare;
  5. The business plan needs to make sense; and
  6. The majority of ownership needs to be held by the treaty investor (individual or company)

The important piece of this visa, that is priceless to medium and large companies, is the ease of moving executives and essential employees, with the same nationality of the company, in and out of the United States.  Once the company has been granted E visa status, it can then apply (simply and easily) for visas

Showing 3 comments
  • David Chitutu

    My name is David Chitutu and am from Botswana. I just want to Apply visa to the USA to be able to stay and work there. I don’t know if it’s possible and I need your help to understand the requirements needed for me to Apply for the visa. And any information you share will help me the most because I Never applied for any visa before and it would be my first time attempting to do so. Thank you.

  • Michael Bates


    1: How can I determine if the E-3 Cap has been reached. Knowing this would help in determining whether the whole application process is worthwhile.

    2: What happens if the position for which a 2-Year E-3 visa is issued (assuming success) disappears for some reason? I understand there is a lawful status issue. Is the I-797 normally issued for 2 years immediately?

    3: I have a degree and can easily find employment at a senior level. I have previously held L1 and H1 visas.

    4: Note, I have no need to work at all, but I am considering the E-3 route as a way to work & legally reside for a period in the USA

    • If the position you have an E-3 with ends you must leave the country or find another employer.